About this project

{ It’s a (skin) of (something); }

This project is called ‘It’s a skin of something’. This 2D graphics are designed using a 3D program.
3D programs go through the steps of texture mapping after modeling. Simply put, it’s the act of wrapping paper over any one object. I’m randomly creating textures in
this project, but I didn’t want to lose the essence of textures. The essence of the texture is the skin’s role in enclosing the exterior of the object.
Therefore, I decided to name the project,
{It’s a (skin) of (something);}
to describe it as a skin. I gave this name to this project so that this flat graphic could regain its original function.
This book suggests that the reader guesses what something is while reading the book. So the graphics in the front are coded in my virtual language, but the graphics in the back are not coded for your infinite imagination.
What kind of skin are these graphics?
I’ll leave it to your creation. It can be everything in your daily life. It can be anything you want, whether it’s a real thing or an invisible emotion.
Then enjoy your imagination!